South Asian Sisters

South Asian Sisters is a diverse collective of progressive South Asian women dedicated to empowering our community to resist all forms of oppression through art, dialogue, conscious alliances, and grassroots political action. We are dedicated to organizing “Yoni ki Baat,” an annual performance that encourages women to speak out against violence and end the stigma around our bodies and our sexualities.

Monday, October 18, 2004

What Bollywood Song Would Your Vagina Sing?!

South Asian Sisters proudly present


Have you ever wondered why the Yoni isn't a more celebrated part of the human anatomy?

Why is it that the woman's womb doesn't get enough compassion and credit for all that women do?

Isn't the Yoni a vital member of any community?

Come celebrate your Yoni with other women from theSouth Asian American Diaspora (inclusive of Afghani, Pakistani, Indian, Nepali, Sri Lankan, Maldive, Bhutanese, and Bangladeshi descent) with Yoni Ki Baat, a courageous play performed in English.

What Bollywood song would your yoni sing?
What is your yoni's immigration status?
If your yoni could say two words, what would they be?


Saturday, October 30th, 8:00pm
155 Dwinelle, UC Berkeley Campus (co-sponsored byNarika)
**advance tickets for this show only available

Saturday, November 6th, 8:00pm
Cubberly Auditorium, School of Education, Stanford University Campus (co-sponsored by Saheli andMaitri)

Tickets: $10 sliding-scale at the door (tickets will be available at the door for both shows)

A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Bay Area non-profits that help South Asian women fight domesticviolence.

We need volunteers for tickets, ushering, set-up, andfood. If you are interested, email with "volunteer" in the subjectand specify which location(s) you will be able tovolunteer. Volunteers will receive free admission!

Visit for more information.