South Asian Sisters

South Asian Sisters is a diverse collective of progressive South Asian women dedicated to empowering our community to resist all forms of oppression through art, dialogue, conscious alliances, and grassroots political action. We are dedicated to organizing “Yoni ki Baat,” an annual performance that encourages women to speak out against violence and end the stigma around our bodies and our sexualities.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Call for Proposals: Paid Internship!

Who We Are:
South Asian Sisters is a diverse collective of progressive South Asian women dedicated to empowering our community to resist all forms of oppression through art, dialogue, conscious alliances, and grassroots political action.

We are dedicated to organizing “Yoni ki Baat,” an annual performance that encourages women to speak out against violence and end the stigma around our bodies and our sexualities.

South Asian Sisters, a not-for-profit organization is offering a paid internship ($250 - $1000) to qualified applicants to conduct research and advocacy work to empower young women in our community. The commitment required is 4 hours/week for a period of 6 months. If you receive academic credit, the duration of the internship would be as long as the duration of the academic semester.

Strong writing skills, computer proficiency, work ethic, and attention to detail required. Some previous experience with non-profit organizations, development work and publicity are preferred. Students interested in a career in non-profit administration, women’s rights, and performance arts should apply. Ability to work independently or with multiple supervisors. Ability to multitask, work in diverse communities and be courteous to others.

How to apply:
Please send us a brief cover letter describing the advocacy project you would like to work on and include a budget under $1,000. Please note that 25% of the internship involves aiding us with administrative/programmatic activities as directed. Include a resume and send by email to

Deadline: July 1, 2006 but we will accept applications until the position is filled.

More information is available at
or contact: Sapna Shahani at 510-708-0970 or by email